The Arduino Uno is probably the most popular microcontroller of the Arduino family, intensively used by hobbyists and industry. With only 2KB of RAM, is a clear example of the kind of microcontrollers M2OS is targeted to.
One of the strongest aspects of the Arduino Uno is its connectivity. There are a huge number of devices and kits intended to be used with this microcontroller and the community provides drivers and libraries to interact with them.
M2OS takes advantage of these free libraries providing bindings to some Arduino standard libraries, third party libraries and M2OS specific libraries:
- Basic Arduino functionality (bindig to Arduino.h functions: digital and analog IO, …).
- Control RC (hobby) servo motors (Servo Arduino standard library).
- Communicate with I2C / TWI devices (Wire Arduino standard library).
- Temperature and humidity sensor (DHT11.h).
- Zowi biped robot (Zowi.h).
- PIR Sensor.
- Buzzer (to play sounds and melodies) .
- CMPS03 I2C compass.
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor.
- Grove 16×2 LCD Series.
- Elechouse Voice Recognition V3.
- KS0457 keyestudio CCS811 Carbon Dioxide Air Quality Sensor.
- Grove Ultrasonic Ranger.
- Grove Infrared Temperature Sensor.
- IR thermometer MLX90614.
- Alphanumeric Display HT16K33.
- EVShield (Shield for EV3 Lego sensors/actuators).
- … and the user can write bindings to her favourite libraries.
In the examples/api_m2os/arduino_uno/
directory of your M2OS installation you can find examples of using these devices.
More details in the “M2OS in Arduino Uno User’s Guide”: